Memphis and Shelby County
Office of Sustainability and Resilience
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Explore the Future Climate Indicators dashboard for Shelby County, TN. Click through each page to view information on extreme heat, drought, wildfire, and flooding (Coastal Inundation is available for other regions). This toolkit provides resources to help better understand impacts of climate change for your community.
Tree Equity Score
The Tree Equity Score tool was created to help address damaging environmental inequities by prioritizing human-centered investment in areas with the greatest need. This tool measures how well the critical benefits of urban tree canopy are reaching those who need them most. Each score indicates whether there are enough trees in a neighborhood for everyone to experience the health, economic, and climate benefits that trees provide. Scores are based on tree canopy, surface temperature, income, employment, race, age, language, and health factors. These scores guide investment in communities living on low incomes, communities of color, and all those disproportionately affected by extreme heat, pollution, and other environmental hazards.